Congratulations Dr. Agatha Walla!
Graduate School member Agatha sucessfully defended her PhD thesis! [01/03/2019]
Congratulations Dr. Ziba Ajami-Rashidi
Graduate School member Ziba successfully defended her PhD thesis! [19/02/2019]
CEPLAS Summer School 2019
Registration for the CEPLAS Summer School 2019 is open! [05/02/2019]
How do plants cope with iron deficiency?
New publication by the group of Petra Bauer and researchers from WWU Münster [05/02/2019]
New address CEPLAS Central Office at HHU
The Central Office in Düsseldorf moved to the new Center for Synthetic Life Sciences [30/01/2019]
Old plants flower in winter cold
New publication in Science by the group of George Coupland [27/01/2019]
Congratulations Dr. Kalpana Shanmugarajah!
Graduate school member Kalpana successfully defended her PhD thesis. [21/01/2019]
Open positions
Research assistant at the Institute for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Postdoctoral position in Plant Molecular Physiology/Cell Biology at the… [04/01/2019]
Event for the World Soil Day 2018 – Workshop for Teachers
Teachers from the Cologne area test mobile laboratories to analyse soil samples [04/01/2019]
Apply now for the CEPLAS Graduate School!
CEPLAS Graduate School offers PhD fellowships for students with a Bachelor's degree in biology or related fields [20/12/2018]
Congratulations Dr. Kumari Billakurthi!
Graduate school member Kumari successfully defended her PhD thesis. [19/12/2018]
Congratulations Dr. Meike Hüdig!
Graduate School member Meike successfully defended her PhD thesis. [12/12/2018]
Congratulations Dr. Debika Sarkar!
Graduate School member Debika successfully defended her PhD thesis. [12/12/2018]
CEPLAS scientists participate in the EU-funded project CropBooster-P
Scientists from 8 different countries will work on the questions how to boost global crop yield for food & nutrition security [11/12/2018]
With a little help from their friends
Great new publication in "Cell" on plant-microbe interactions. Congratulations! [06/11/2018]
Joint position paper
Over 85 European scientists and research institutions speak out for a change in GMO policy [24/10/2018]
CEPLAS guest commentary
CEPLAS guest commentary on genome editing and the ECJ ruling in Westdeutsche Zeitung [24/10/2018]
Congratulations to Dr. Heidi Widmer
CEPLAS Graduate School member Heidi successfully defended her PhD thesis "Functional characterisation of a fungal endonuclease effector and regulated… [23/10/2018]
Congratulations to Dr. Katharina Gräfe
CEPLAS Graduate School member Katharina successfully defended her PhD thesis "Establishing an in vitro system for the ABC transporter PLEIOTROPIC DRUG… [18/10/2018]
We have made it!
New Cluster CEPLAS II will start in January [27/09/2018]
New CEPLAS LinkedIn profile page
We’re online with our new LinkedIn employer’s page [24/09/2018]
Microbes instead of fertilizers. Is that possible?
In a new video by transGEN CEPLAS Postdoc Henning Frerigmann explains how microorganisms can help plants grow. [14/09/2018]
Congratulations to Dr. Eva Willée!
CEPLAS Graduate School member Eva successfully defended her PhD thesis "Analysis of light-dependent leaf development in Arabidopsis and cotyledon… [10/09/2018]
Apply now!
Open Phd position in Plant Microbe Interactions. [24/08/2018]