First Quantitative Biologists have finished their Bachelor!


First graduates in the CEPLAS-initiated programme.

Tim Rose

Initiated by the cluster, the universities of Düsseldorf and Cologne established a new variation of their bachelor programmes called Quantitative Biology. The B.Sc. Quantitative Biology covers bioinformatics, mathematical modeling and biostatistics, combined with biophysics, systems biology and synthetic biology. The study programme is very application-oriented as two thirds of the programme are practical courses.

In 2015, the study programme was accredited and the first cohort of students started in the same year. During the last month, four students successfully defended their bachelor theses and received their study certificates, signed by the science faculties of Düsseldorf and Cologne. All graduates have already started master studies in biophysics, computational biology or biotechnology.

At the moment, 28 students are enrolled in this bachelor programme.

<link _blank internal-link internal link in current>More information about the B.Sc. Quantitative Biology.