Successful CEPLAS Workshop about Authentic Networking for Women in Academia


14 female CEPLAS scientists participated in a workshop about networking specially designed for women.

Highly qualified female scientists who work in leading positions in academia today are in a minority position. Hereby, targeted networking is a valuable tool that can significantly support the career development of women. In order to emphasize the importance of networking for a successful career path of women in academia, CEPLAS offered a full-day workshop entitled “Winning Ways: Authentic Networking for Women in Academia” for female CEPLAS scientists. The workshop took place on October 13, 2017 with 14 participating female scientists including doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and professors. The trainer, Monère Renoir Wanner, is an experienced business consultant, certified trainer and coach as well as University lecturer of International Business & Diversity/Gender Management. In the workshop she placed a strong focus on authentic networking. The trainer’s guidance, the exchange of personal experience and practical exercises introduced the participants to authentic networking strategies beneficial for their personal and professional development. The following topics were covered during the workshop:

•    Know Your Worth

•    Upgrade Your Body Language

•    Manage First Impressions to Your Advantage

•    Integrate & Harmonize Your Masculine and Feminine Energy

•    Uplevel Your Listening Skills

•    Amplify Your Winning Personality

•    Connect with People

•    Strengthen Your Discipline – Muscle