Three CEPLAS members elected to Board of GFGSB
During the German Conference on Synthetic Biology, the Executive Board of the Joint Synthetic Biology Group was elected. [30/10/2024]

MycoDefender: Guardians of the Green - a comic about superheroes
Laura Armbruster (UoC) explains in a new issue of the Planter's Punch how beneficial fungi protect plants from pathogens. [29/10/2024]

Climate change and plant nutrition: Talk in the greenhouse
As part of the lecture series "Wissenschaft in Kölner Häusern" two CEPLAS members talked about the influence of climate change on plant nutrition. [28/10/2024]

Excursion to the Gulbenkian Institute
Students of the CEPLAS Graduate School Qualification phase participated in an exchange with the Gulbenkian Institute in Portugal. [24/10/2024]

Network meeting to boost plant science innovation
10 CEPLAS members met with representatives from BASF/ Nunhems and two universities to discuss opportunities for cooperation. [22/10/2024]

Doors Open with “the Mouse” - A Fascinating Look into the World of Microbes
CEPLAS institutes participated again in the WDR event "Türen auf mit der Maus" on Oct 3. [07/10/2024]

CEPLAS/ IPK Summer School 2024
40 early career researchers from CEPLAS and IPK met for 5 days for the second joint summer school in Drübeck (Harz). [02/10/2024]

Excellence podcast with CEPLAS members
Nadine Töpfer and Oliver Ebenhöh give insights into their research in the current episode of "Exzellent erklärt - Spitzenforschung für alle". [01/10/2024]

Uncovering the secrets of plant-microbe partnerships
In a new issue of the Planter's Punch CEPLAS doctoral researcher Aminat Adegbenle (HHU) dives into the world of plant microbe interactions. [30/09/2024]

Ernesto Llamas receives GO-Bio initial grant
The postdoctoral researcher (UoC) has been awarded the BMBF grant for his research on a potential therapy on Huntington’s Disease. [30/09/2024]

Eliza Loo receives Eduard Strasburger Preis
CEPLAS member Eliza Loo (HHU) was awarded the prize by the German Society for Plant Sciences. [26/09/2024]

Diversity of Science in exciting places
CEPLAS members Stan Kopriva and Tatjana Hildebrandt offer insights into their research in the glasshouse at Cologne Biocenter on October 10. [25/09/2024]

Article about mathematical model of photoinhibition
An article in “Botany One” presents a recent publication by a PhD student and two CEPLAS members on photoinhibition in plants. [25/09/2024]

CEPLAS at Night of Science: Exploring the world of plant research
An interactive presentation and a virtual journey through a plant impressed the visitors at the CEPLAS booth. [23/09/2024]

It's Postdoc Appreciation Week!
During the Germany-wide Postdoc Appreciation Week we would like to draw attention to and share our appreciation towards the contribution of postdocs… [17/09/2024]

CEPLAS member receives ERC Starting Grant
Markus Stetter (UoC) has been awarded one of the prestigious European research grants for early career researchers. [09/09/2024]

Carbon Challenge 2024: Sunflowers made the difference
A school team from Konrad Adenauer Gymnasium Langenfeld achieved the highest amount of biomass on a 1-square-meter parcel. [05/09/2024]

Students from Lima visited CEPLAS
As part of a DAAD program, students from the University of Lima, Peru, visited the Institute for Synthetic Microbiology (HHU). [03/09/2024]

New position
New position as a Student assistant/ SHK (f/m/d) at the Institute for Plant Sciences at the University of Cologne available. [02/09/2024]

CEPLAS and Soapbox Science Rheinland @NRW Tag 2024
Four female scientists were invited by the NRW Ministry for Culture and Science to participate in the "Science Tent" during NRW Tag 2024. [29/08/2024]

CEPLAS projects presented at Future Tech Fest in Düsseldorf
Two CEPLAS teams presented their projects at this year's Future Tech Fest, Germany's largest B2B start-up trade fair. [26/08/2024]

CEPLAS at Night of Science in Düsseldorf
CEPLAS researchers will talk about their research at an information stand and address the general public with a science talk on September 13. [21/08/2024]

New position
New position as a Scientific employee (f/m/d) at the Institute of Biological Data Science at HHU available. [21/08/2024]

Developing drought-resistant plants
In a new issue of the Planter's Punch doctoral researcher Büsra Elkatmis (UoC) explains how bacteria increase plant growth during drought conditions. [15/08/2024]