New early career researchers’ representatives
Within the cluster’s General Assembly in November 2017, Melanie Sapp was elected as the new early career researchers’ representative. In this function she is now a member of the CEPLAS Steering Committee until the end of 2018 and represents all doctoral researchers within the CEPLAS Graduate School and all postdocs of the CEPLAS Postdoc programme. Meike Hüdig was re-elected as doctoral researcher representative and elected as the deputy early career researchers’ representative. Furthermore, Antonella Succurro and Elaine Jaeger were electeted as deputy representatives.
All doctoral researchers within the CEPLAS Graduate School and all postdocs of the CEPLAS postdoc programme were allowed to vote.
New representatives:
Melanie Sapp
• postdoc representative
• early career researchers’ representative
Antonella Succurro
• deputy postdoc representative
Meike Hüdig
• doctoral researcher representative
• deputy early career researchers’ representative
Elaine Jaeger
• deputy doctoral researcher representative