apl. Prof. Dr. Peter Jahns

Research focus

Efficient light utilization and thus proper acclimation to varying light conditions is essential for the competitiveness and survival of photosynthetic organisms. We investigate the light acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus in land plants and algae. Applying chlorophyll fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy, our research is focused on the regulation and function of photoprotective mechanisms (e.g. energy dissipation) and the adjustment of photosynthetic light utilization to fluctuating light conditions.


Most important publications

  1. Bethmann S, Melzer M, Schwarz N, Jahns P (2019) The zeaxanthin epoxidase is degraded along with the D1 protein during photoinhibition of photosystem II. Plant Direct 3(11). doi: 10.1002/pld3.185.
  2. Schumann T, Paul S, Melzer M, Dormann P, Jahns P (2017) Plant Growth under Natural Light Conditions Provides Highly Flexible Short-Term Acclimation Properties toward High Light Stress. Front Plant Sci 8:681. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00681.
  3. Correa-Galvis V, Redekop P, Guan K, Griess A, Truong TB, Wakao S, Niyogi KK, Jahns P (2016) Photosystem II Subunit PsbS Is Involved in the Induction of LHCSR Protein-dependent Energy Dissipation in. JBiol Chem 291(33):17478-17487. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M116.737312.
  4. Correa-Galvis V, Poschmann G, Melzer M, Stuhler K, Jahns P (2016) PsbS interactions involved in the activation of energy dissipation in Arabidopsis. Nat Plants 2:15225. doi: 10.1038/nplants.2015.225.
  5. Holzwarth AR, Miloslavina Y, Nilkens M, Jahns P (2009) Identification of two quenching sites active in the regulation of photosynthetic light-harvesting studied by time-resolved fluorescence. Chemical Physics Letters 483(4-6):262-267. doi: 10.1016/j.cplett.2009.10.085.



apl. Prof. Dr. Peter Jahns

+49 211 8113862

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Institute for Photosynthesis and Stress Physiology of Plants
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
