Public lecture series "Food and Nutrition Security"
The lecture series „Food and Nutrition Security“ is part of the project WeiterDenken (think ahead) of the 'Studium-Integrale' program of the University of Cologne. All topics are prepared to suit even inexperienced audiences. The lecture series (only in German!) is aimed at all bachelor students and members of all faculties. In particular, the interested public is welcome. No registration is necessary.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Maria von Korff, Institute for Plant Genetics, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf / MPI für Pflanzenzüchtungsforschung
Title: Der Einfluss von Trockenstress auf Ertrag
Date and Time: 26.10.2017, 6pm
Place: Cologne Biocentre (Lecture Hall), Zülpicher Str. 47b, 50674 Cologne
Here you can find more information: <link en discover competence-area-food-security internal-link internal link in current>