Courses in chronological order

Project management in Science

15/09/2024 - 15/10/2024 Leadership and Management Skills

2 day online workshop

Participants: Doctoral researchers and postdocs

Good to Know: Online info series for international researchers

18/09/2024 - 10/12/2024 Professionalism

Participants: Researchers of all research areas

Upcoming sessions:

18/09/2024 The German Social Security System

24/10/2024 Rights of residence for…

Prospects: Online Talk Series on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers

24/09/2024 - 31/12/2024 Professionalism

Participants: Early career researchers

Start your career in the private sector

08/10/2024 - 09/10/2025 Professionalism

Participants: postdocs of all research areas

2 half days online workshop

Time Management - Get More done with Less Effort

14/10/2024 - 15/10/2024 Leadership and Management Skills

Participants: Doctoral researchers and Postdocs

Find a job in Germany's Industry

14/10/2024 - 22/10/2024 Professionalism

Participants: Doctoral Researchers and Postdocs

4 day workshop

Get into Teaching

17/10/2024 - 18/10/2024 Communication Skills

Participants: Doctoral researchers who are interested in university level teaching or will start teaching at a university

Leadership Skills for doctoral researchers

21/10/2024 - 22/10/2024 Leadership and Management Skills

Participants: Doctoral researchers (after 2nd year) and postdocs

Wissenschaftliche Bildverarbeitung und Analyse (in German)

21/10/2024 - 23/10/2024 Research Skill Development

Participants: Doctoral researchers

Giving and receiving feedback

25/10/2024 Communication Skills

9 am to 1 pm online event

Participants: postdocs of all research areas

Project management for postdocs

28/10/2024 - 07/11/2024 Leadership and Management Skills

Participants: Postdocs and supervisors

2 day online workshop

AMC Career Compass: Impulse session series

30/10/2024 - 30/10/2024 Professionalism

Participants: Postdocs

1,5 hour online sessions

October 30: How to pass a non-academic job interview successfully

Apply successfully, for academics with non-academic job ambitions

Date: tba Communication Skills

two half days

Participants: Postdocs

Career Planning in Business - How to shape your future

04/11/2024 - 05/11/2024 Professionalism

Participants: Doctoral Researchers and Postdocs

Gentechnische Arbeiten in gentechnischen Anlagen

07/11/2024 - 08/11/2024 Research Skill Development

Participants: Doctoral Researchers and Postdocs

Professional Leadership

08/11/2024 Leadership and Management Skills

Participants: doctoral researchers

Good Research Practice for (Post)Doctoral Researchers

14/11/2024 - 15/11/2024 Responsible Conduct of Research

Participants: (post)doctoral researchers

Introduction to Project Management and Working in Teams

21/11/2024 - 22/11/2024 Leadership and Management Skills

Participants: Doctoral researchers and postdocs

Going abroad for a postdoc

26/11/2024 Professionalism

Participants: Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

1,5h online seminar, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Optimizing Writing Strategies

03/12/2024 - 06/12/2024 Communication Skills

Participants: Doctoral researchers and postdocs

4 half days (online) OR 2 days (on campus) Workshop + Preparation and Follow-up

DFG-Förderangebote für wissenschaftliche Karrieren (in German)

09/12/2024 Professionalism

Participants: Early career researchers

Part of an Info Talk Series on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers

The German Academic Landscape

10/12/2024 Professionalism

Participants: Researchers of all research areas

1,5 hour online seminar, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Language courses: German and English

Date: tba Communication Skills

New German Level A1.1, A1.2 and A2 courses start on a regular basis. The hours per week depend on the course level.

English Level B1 (1,5 hours per…

Please follow this link to get more information about language courses offered by the Junior Scientist and International Researcher Center (JUNO).

Four courses offered by the Department German as a Foreign Language at HHU please follow this link.

JUNO Language Tandem Program

Date: tba Communication Skills

Improve your language skills without any pressure by chatting with native speakers on a Language Tandem!

Digital e-learning platform for postdocs

Date: tba Communication Skills

JUNO opens the possibiliy to get a 3 month licence to use the digital e-learning platform of their partner TwentyOneSkills, which provides a wide…

Learning and Encouragement through Feedback

Date: tba Leadership and Management Skills

Participants: postdocs

next course in 2025

German Language Courses

Date: tba Communication Skills

Participants: International doctoral students, postdocs, professors and guest researchers from all disciplines

weekly courses with 3 different…

English for Junior Researchers

Date: tba Communication Skills

Gain greater confidence in using the English language more fluently and effectively in a weekly online course

Check the link for the next dates! New…

Hochschuldidaktik (in German)

Date: tba Communication Skills

Participants: Doctoral researchers and postdocs

Angebote der Hochschuldidaktik der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Angebote des Zentrums für Hochschuldidaktik der Universität zu Köln

Individual statistical consultation

Date: tba Research Skill Development

Individual statistical consultation: If you are facing statistical or bioinformatic problems you can always contact the Center for Bioinformatics and…

Individual statistical consultation: If you are facing statistical or bioinformatic problems you can always contact the Center for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CBiBs) for individual consultation. Please write an E-Mail to CBiBs and ask for a consultation date. CEPLAS will cover the costs that might be charged.

Navigating the German and European research funding landscape

Date: tba Professionalism

Participants: Postdocs of all research areas

Next workshop in 2025

Good Research Practice for postdocs and supervisors

14/01/2025 Responsible Conduct of Research

Participants: Postdocs of all research areas

Further dates: 09/07/2025

Leadership Fundamentals: Building your Leadership Skills as an Early Career Scientist

Date: tba Leadership and Management Skills

1,5 days (12 work units), in person (day 1) and online (day 2)

Participants: postdocs of all research areas

Next workshop: Early 2025

Interdisciplinary Communication and Collaboration

12/03/2025 - 26/03/2025 Communication Skills

Participants: Doctoral researchers and postdocs

3 half days online workshop

Career-Orientation for researchers: The academic career path or are there other options?

04/04/2025 - 11/04/2024 Professionalism

Participants: Postdocs

2 half days online workshop

Agile Methods Sprint

27/05/2025 Professionalism

Participants: postdocs

Self-Marketing and Networking in Science

12/06/2025 - 13/06/2025 Communication Skills

Participants: Postdocs of all research areas

Self-Leadership under permanent pressure to perform

01/10/2025 Leadership and Management Skills

Participants: researchers of all research areas

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