Alonso Fariña-Fernandez

Research Focus

Plants release a complex mixture of secondary metabolites from their roots, significantly influencing the biological and chemical properties of the rhizosphere. For instance, Arabidopsis roots produce a variety of shikimate pathway-derived coumarins, which play a critical role in plant survival under iron-deficient conditions and shape the composition of the root microbiome. However, the biochemical pathways of some individual coumarin derivates and their ecological and physiological functions are still unclear. My project will combine phenotype and genotype associations and in planta/in vitro analyses to investigate the biochemical steps involved in the synthesis of coumarins derivates and their role in iron acquisition, plant-microbe interactions at the soil-root interface, and plant-plant interactions.

Alonso Fariña-Fernandez

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Institute of Plant Molecular Ecophysiology
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf