Pint of Science 2021
CEPLAS scientists participate in international science communication festival
Same as in recent years, CEPLAS researchers participate also in 2021 in the international science communication festival "Pint of Science".
Due to the pandemic, the event will take place online from May 17 to May 19 2021.
This year, four CEPLAS researchers and alumni from Düsseldorf and Cologne give exciting insights into the fascinating world of plants and plant sciences.
Here are our contributions:
May, 17th, 8pm
- Johana Misas: "I’m Still Standing: A Story of How Maize Plants Overcome Pathogen Attacks."
The talk will be held in English language.
May 18th, 8pm
Andreas Weber, Anna Matuszyńska and Sebastian Triesch will give an insight into the exciting world of plants with their contribution "Von Klimahelden, stotternden Motoren und mathematischen Modellen".
- Andreas Weber: Pflanzen – die einzig wahren Klimaschützer!
The talk will be held in German language. - Sebastian Triesch: Was haben ein Motor, ein Bier und eine Ananas gemeinsam?
The talk will be held in German language. - Anna Matuszyńska: Mathematically speaking, what elephants have to do with modelling tomatoes!
The talk will be held in English language