The Hidden Allies in Your Garden: Understanding Plant-Microbe Interactions
Imagine your garden. It’s full of vibrant flowers, lush greens, and towering trees. But what you see is only half the story. Beneath the surface, in the soil, and even on the leaves, an entire world of microscopic organisms is quietly at work. These microorganisms: tiny bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms, play a crucial role in the life of plants, sometimes helping them grow, defend against diseases, and adapt to changing conditions. My research dives into this fascinating world of plant-microorganism’s interactions, exploring how these invisible allies change and influence plants as they grow.
Plants, like humans, go through different life stages. A young seedling has different needs and defenses compared to a mature plant or a flowering one. As these plants age, their nutritional demands change. For example, young leaves, which are actively photosynthesizing (turning sunlight into food), require more nutrients and stronger defenses. Thisfactor can influence the types of microbes that are most beneficial at this stage, helping plants absorb nutrients more efficiently or fend off potential threats.
In my research, I focus on understanding how these shifts in a plant's life stage affect the microbial communities they host. I am looking at different plant species, including both short and long-lived annuals like Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabis montbretiana respectivelyand perennials like Arabidopsis lyrata and Arabis alpina. I am investigating if theseplants interact with microbes differently throughout their lives. For instance, in the early stages, a plant might quickly establish a stable microbial community that helps protect it from harmful pathogens. But as the plant matures, its changing nutritional and immune needs might drive shifts in this community, possibly leading to different microbial partnerships that influence the plant's survival and reproduction.
To study these interactions, I am looking at different parts of the plant (roots and leaves) and at the associated soil—over various stages of the plant's life. I am using advanced techniques like Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) to identify and track the different microbes present. By comparing these microbial communities across time, we can begin to understand how they change and how they might be helping—or sometimes hindering—the plant.
Why is this important? Well, in agriculture and gardening, understanding these relationships can lead to better practices that enhance plant health and yield. For example, if we know that certain microbes help plants resist disease or improve nutrient uptake during specific life stages, we could promote these beneficial microbes through targeted soil treatments or by adjusting planting times. This approach could reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, leading to more sustainable farming and gardening practices.
In conclusion, while plants might be the stars of your garden, the microbes are the unrewarded heroes. They’re not just passive inhabitants but active players that can influence the health and success of the plants they live with. My research aims to contribute to uncovering the secrets of these plant-microbe partnerships, helping us harness their potential for healthier plants and, ultimately, a healthier planet.
Planter’s Punch
Under the heading Planter’s Punch we present each month one special aspect of the CEPLAS research programme. All contributions are prepared by our early career researchers.

About the author
Aminat Adegbenle is a doctoral researcher in Laura Rose's group at the Institute of Population Genetics, HHU. She obtained a Master’s degree in Microbiology from Friedrich Schiller University, Jena. She joined the CEPLAS Graduate School as an associate researcher in 2021. In her Ph.D. project, she is investigating how microbial communities are shaped by plant growth stages and life history.
Further Reading
Mahmoudi, M., Almario, J., Lutap, K., Nieselt, K., & Kemen, E. (2024). Microbial communities living inside plant leaves or on the leaf surface are differently shaped by environmental cues. ISME Communications, 4(1), ycae103.
Bak, G. R., Lee, K. K., Clark, I. M., Mauchline, T. H., Kavamura, V. N., Lund, G., ... & Lee, Y. H. (2024). The potato rhizosphere microbiota correlated to the yield of three different regions in Korea. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 4536.
Yao, Y., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Lin, Y., Chen, T., Xie, J., ... & Jiang, D. (2024). The dynamic changes of Brassica napusseed microbiota across the entire seed life in the field. Plants, 13(6), 912.