New CEPLAS LinkedIn profile page 

We’re online with our new LinkedIn employer’s page [24/09/2018]

Mikroben statt Dünger 4

Microbes instead of fertilizers. Is that possible? 

In a new video by transGEN CEPLAS Postdoc Henning Frerigmann explains how microorganisms can help plants grow. [14/09/2018]

Congratulations to Dr. Eva Willée! 

CEPLAS Graduate School member Eva successfully defended her PhD thesis "Analysis of light-dependent leaf development in Arabidopsis and cotyledon… [10/09/2018]

Apply now! 

Open Phd position in Plant Microbe Interactions. [24/08/2018]

Erklärungen zu den Pflanzen

New CEPLAS section in the Botanical Garden 

In the new CEPLAS section, aspects of plant breeding can be experienced at first-hand. Take a look at the new topics in our photo gallery. [17/08/2018]

Number of critical voices on the judgement of the European Justice Court on genome editing increases 

Since the judgement on July 25, more and more scientists speak up against the decision [11/08/2018]

Open positions 

Currently we have several open positions! [11/08/2018]

European Court of Justice passed judgement on classification of genome edited plants 

"From a scientific view, the judgement does not make sense!" [27/07/2018]

Congratulations to Dr. Alfredo Mari! 

CEPLAS Graduate School member Alfredo successfully defended his PhD thesis "Mutualistic Interactions between pathogenic and non pathogenic protists in… [26/07/2018]

Registration deadline extended! 

You can still register until August 15 for the 1st Cologne Conference on Food for Future taking place from 05.–07. September 2018 in Cologne. [20/07/2018]

Opening of the new research building "Center for Synthetic Life Sciences" 

The HHU building will house the new CEPLAS groups and the technology facilities of the Center for Biological and Medical Research (BMFZ) [16/07/2018]

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria and their plant hosts: old friends that go way back 

Great publication by CEPLAS members Garrido-Oter, Nakano, McHardy, Schulze-Lefert and others [12/07/2018]

Interactive CEPLAS Women in Plant Sciences Day 2018 

A CEPLAS career and networking event for female scientists [12/07/2018]

Open positions 

Currently we have several open positions [12/07/2018]

Successful CEPLAS Career Speed Dating 

Lively discussions at this year's CEPLAS Career Speed Dating [03/07/2018]

Active exchange with guests from Corteva AgriscienceTM 

CEPLAS course with employees from a globally acting agriscience company [28/06/2018]

Multi-million project with the participation of CEPLAS scientists approved. 

The group of Matias Zurbriggen receives € 820.000 within the framework of the EU-funded project "CyGenTiG - Cybergenetic tissue engineering". [20/06/2018]

CEPLAS Alumni Peter Lundquist starts as Assistant Professor at Michigan State University 

Congratulations to Peter who will be joining the Plant Resilience Institute. [11/06/2018]

Excursion LemnaTec

A visit to the company, which constructed the largest agricultural phenotyping robot in the world. 

10 CEPLAS Members joined an excursion to LemnaTec, a company specialised on plant phenotyping equipment. [08/06/2018]


Who, besides the plant, is also carrying out Photosynthesis in the leaf? 

Find out in our new issue of Planter's Punch. [31/05/2018]

Open position 

Internship / Master's Project at Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research [25/05/2018]

CEPLAS Early Career Researchers at Bio.NRW academy 

On May 15, four of our postdocs participated in the Bio.NRW academy at the FZJ [18/05/2018]

Congratulations to Dr. Suraj Sharma 

CEPLAS Graduate School member Suraj successfully defended his PhD thesis "Mathematical models of glucosinolate metabolism in plants" [16/05/2018]

Open positions 

PhD student (m/f) Bioinformatics and Research Assistant at the Institute for Plant Quantitative Genetics and Genomics [08/05/2018]