New public lecture series "Food and Nutrition Security"
From October till January, several talks in the frame of Food and Nutrition Security will be given by scientists from the University of Cologne and Düsseldorf and by invited speakers from industry and non-governmental organizations. Talks (only in German!) will take place on Thursdays at 6pm in Biocenter in Cologne.
The lecture series „Food and Nutrition Security“ is part of the project WeiterDenken (think ahead) of the 'Studium-Integrale' program of the University of Cologne and is organized by the competence area "Food Security".
In the face of a growing world population and the negative impact of the climate change one of the central challenges of our time is to achieve and sustain global food security. To resolve these pressing challenges an interdisciplinary dialogue is needed which is reflected by the lecture series. Among others biological, legal, economical and ethical aspect will be addressed and the multidisciplinarity of the topic emphasized.
All topics are prepared to suit even inexperienced audiences. The lecture series is aimed at all bachelor students and members of all faculties. In particular, the interested public is welcome.
Here you can find more information:
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