New research building for plant sciences at HHU
The German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) recommended the funding of the "Plant Environmental Adaptation Center (PEAC)" [26/04/2018]

CEPLAS Alumni Berkley Walker starts as assistant professor at MSU
Congratulations to CEPLAS Alumni Berkley Walker who starts as assistant professor at Michigan State University. [19/04/2018]

Understanding metabolic interactions in plant root associated bacterial communities
Watch a great video about this old-fashioned love story in our new Planter's Punch! [17/04/2018]

English version of the CEPLAS movie out now!
Watch English version here [10/04/2018]

New paper in "Cell" by CEPLAS PI Jürgen Zeier
Flavin Monooxygenase-Generated N-Hydroxypipecolic Acid Is a Critical Element of Plant Systemic Immunity [26/03/2018]

Start of the new "Research and Education" module for pupils and student teachers [20/03/2018]

Open position
Open position in Plant-Microbe Interaction Research [19/03/2018]

How to increase photosynthetic efficiency in plants?
Learn how modifications in the leaf anatomy can improve photosynthetic performance in our new Planter's Punch. [15/03/2018]

CEPLAS Annual Report 2017 out now!
Our latest annual report is online and can be downloaded here. [08/03/2018]

CEPLAS PI Oliver Ebenhöh was appointed to a W2 professorship in Quantitative and Theoretical Biology at HHU. [06/03/2018]

NRW Minister of Culture and Science Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen on a visit at HHU
On February 14 2018, the Minister of Culture and Science Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen visited HHU and CEPLAS [22/02/2018]

Insight into the regulation of flowering
Recent paper presents promising approach to identify key genes of flowering in different Brassicaceae. [15/02/2018]

Research in the land of the rising sun
Share the impressions of two young scientists about their CEPLAS funded research stays in Japan [08/02/2018]

Best PhD thesis 2017
HHU honours CEPLAS Alumnus Ruben for his thesis „Computational Methods for the Analysis of Plant-associated Microbial Communities“ [06/02/2018]

How to raise the number of seeds?
New Planters's Punch about flower fertility. [01/02/2018]

Congratulations to Dr. Udhaya Ponraj
CEPLAS Graduate School member Udhaya successfully defended her PhD thesis "Analysis of axillary mersitem initiation in perennial plant Arabis alpina" [26/01/2018]

17 PhD positions at MPIPZ Cologne
CEPLAS PIs M. Bucher, A. Zuccaro, M. von Korff, G. Coupland, J. Parker, J. Chai, P.Schulze-Lefert & M. Tsiantis are offering PhD projects. Application… [25/01/2018]

Open positions
AG Garrido-Oter at MPIPZ is looking for two postdocs! [17/01/2018]

Congratulations to Dr. Silke Weckopp
CEPLAS Graduate School member Silke successfully defended her PhD thesis "Does the evolution of C4 photosynthesis include adaptions in mineral… [15/01/2018]

Planter's Punch Award 2017
The winner is: Berkley Walker with "Where did all my donuts go?" [11/01/2018]

Competence Area Food Security
New image movie out now! [05/01/2018]

First Quantitative Biologists have finished their Bachelor!
First graduates in the CEPLAS-initiated programme. [02/01/2018]

Congratulations to Dr. Philipp Fesel
CEPLAS Graduate School member Philipp successfully defended his PhD thesis "Insights into ß-glucan biology in mutualistic plant-microbe interactions" [19/12/2017]

Successful 2nd NRW-wide PhD Day "Future Bioeconomy"
Networking event for young researchers interested in bioeconomy. [14/12/2017]