Successful CEPLAS Career Speed Dating!


13 representatives from different industries/institutions shared personal experience on career path with 13 CEPLAS early career researchers.

At the second CEPLAS Career Speed Dating 13 representatives from various different professional fields met with the same number of CEPLAS early career researchers at the “Haus der Universität” in Düsseldorf. The aim of the CEPLAS Career Speed Dating is to give early career scientists the opportunity to learn about professional careers in- and outside academia, and to help them in making their own career plans.

The meeting started with introductions of all invited speakers where they gave short, very personal insights into their career paths and on the decisions, hurdles and curiosities they encountered during their career. After the presentations, representatives and researchers came together for individual short face-to-face meetings, where they were completely free to discuss whatever was relevant to them. In addition, the representatives gave individual feedback on the Curricula Vitae of all early career researchers to help them improve their CVs for future applications.

Apart from one-to-one meetings, the event was also a good chance for our early career researchers to extend their professional network as well as for the invited guests to meet and get to know potential future employees and present their organization as an attractive employer.

Based on the final feedback, all participants enjoyed the meeting and the opportunity to discuss in a comfortable, informal environment.

Dr. Lucie Cardon (Dümmen Orange): "It is very useful to spend time to share experiences with early or experienced professionals. There are similar challenges and questions along the road of our career. Plus meeting persons live helps to print out the message and create the connections."
Dr. Remco van Poecke (Keygene N.V.): “Well organized, highly interactive, very open atmosphere: A great way to quickly get to know both early career scientists and peers.”

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