ERC Advanced Grant for Martin Lercher
CEPLAS member Martin Lercher (HHU) has been awarded the ERC Advanced Grant for his work on computer simulations. [28/04/2022]

New Planter's Punch about friends and foes
CEPLAS PhD student Pia Saake (UoC) reports in her Planter's Punch how plants distinguish between beneficial and detrimental microorgansims. [27/04/2022]

Pint of Science 2022 in Düsseldorf and Cologne
Five CEPLAS researchers participate in the international science communication festival "Pint of Science" on May 10th and 11th. [11/04/2022]

New research facilities for CEPLAS at HHU
Yesterday, the groundbreaking ceremony was held for the new PEAC research building, whose grant application was coordinated by Rüdiger Simon. [08/04/2022]

Sugar thieves in paddy fields
For the new Planter's Punch Laura Redzich (HHU) created a vivid comic about the sugar transport in rice plants and how bacteria can manipulate it. [29/03/2022]

New position
Position as a Student/ Research assistant (f/m/d) at the Institute for Synthetic Biology at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf available. [28/03/2022]

CEPLAS Faces on Air with Mary Ngigi
CEPLAS PhD Mary Ngigi (HHU) tells us in a video why she decided to become a scientist and why the Soapbox Science event is so important for her. [26/03/2022]

New CEPLAS representatives
Ilyse Putz and Tatiana Stead have been elected as PhD representatives, Jan Buchmann and Anthony Piro as postdoc representatives for the next year. [18/03/2022]

Poster prize for Pia Saake
Congratulations to CEPLAS PhD student Pia Saake (UoC) who won a poster prize at this year's digital VAAM conference. [10/03/2022]

Potato genome deciphered for the first time
A group of researchers coordinated by CEPLAS member Korbinian Schneeberger (LMU/MPIPZ) have for the first time deciphered the highly complex genome of… [07/03/2022]

New publication on microbiota establishment
CEPLAS members Rubén Garrido-Oter and Paloma Duran (MPIPZ) show that terrestrial algae have a microbiota analogous to that of land plants. [24/02/2022]

CEPLAS Faces with Michael Bonkowski
Michael Bonkowski from the Institut of Zoology (UoC) reveals in his interview how his interest in science had already developed in his youth. [23/02/2022]

How to mimic the mycorrhizal symbiosis
The doctoral researcher Svenja Hermanns (UoC) describes in a new issue of the Planter's Punch the nutrient exchange between plants and fungi. [17/02/2022]

Apply for Soapbox Science 2022
The local event Soapbox Science Rhineland will take place on August 6th in Bonn. Applications are open until February 28th. [15/02/2022]

International CEPLAS/IPK Summer School 2022
Registration open for our Summer School on Translational Plant Biodiversity Research [14/02/2022]

Open position
Humboldt Research Fellowship for international postdocs is available at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. [09/02/2022]

Apply now!
The call for our CEPLAS research internships for undergrad students is now open! [09/02/2022]

Open position
Position as a student/ scientific assistant (f/m/d) at the Institute for Genetics at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf available. [07/02/2022]

CropBooster-P published video
The video explains how global agricultural productivity can be doubled by 2050 and targets non-experts. [25/01/2022]

A story about plants, microbes and iron
In the new Planter's Punch Milena Malisic (MPIPZ) tells a story in an illustrativ comic about plant performance under iron-limitation. [21/01/2022]

CEPLAS Faces with Kumsal Çolpan
In a new issue of CEPLAS Faces on Air the PhD Kumsal Çolpan (HHU) speaks about her experiences with Social Media. [13/01/2022]

New faces of the Grad School class 2021
We welcome the new doctoral students of the 2021 class, who have started last October. We introduce all of them in short profiles. [11/01/2022]

Open position
Position as an Field trial technician at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf available. [11/01/2022]

Why we are interested in making and breaking plant cell walls
Niklas Gawenda (HHU) reveals in his Planter's Punch why cell walls play a significant role in biofuel production. [21/12/2021]