CEPLAS members in new DFG research group "CSCS"
The Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf is one of the project partners in the new research group "Cereal Stem Cell Systems" (CSCS), which the German Research Foundation (DFG) has decided to establish. The participating scientists want to investigate the signaling and gene regulation networks in the meristems of different cereal species such as barley and maize. In addition to HHU, the universities in Regensburg, Bonn, Hamburg, Heidelberg and Tübingen and the IPK-Gatersleben are also involved in the collaboration. HHU scientists Prof. Yvonne Stahl, Prof. Maria von Korff (co-spokesperson of the research group) and Prof. Rüdiger Simon will investigate the signaling and gene regulation networks in the root, shoot and flower meristems of barley in three projects as part of the alliance.