On the last Friday of the month, all CEPLAS members meet at one of the four sites. Talks are given by scientists from the cluster or invited speakers. External guests who are interested in the talks are welcome!
On January 31st, CEPLAS Friday takes place, unlike usual, at the Genetics Department (room 4.30), Zülpicher Str. 47a. The following get-together takes place at Cologne Biocenter (room 3.003), Zülpicher Str. 47b.
- Q&A
- Dr. Dmitry Lapin, Parker group, MPIPZ
Origins and networking functions of the EDS1-family proteins in plant NLR immunity - Dr. Ulisses Nunes da Rocha, Helmholtz Young Investigator, Microbial Systems Data Science, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Can we predict ecosystem services from microbial Big Data? - Prof. Dr. Michael Bonkowski, UoC
Plant pathogenic protists (Endomyxa (Rhizaria) and Oomycota ) are not fungi - environmental factors structuring their diversity and in natural environments
Location: Genetics Department, (room 4.30), Zülpicher Str. 47a.
The talks start at 2 pm. Afterwards there will be snacks and drinks!