On the last Friday of the month, all CEPLAS members meet at one of the four sites. Talks will be given by scientists from the cluster or invited speakers. External guests who are interested in the talks are welcome!
On June 29, CEPLAS Friday takes place in the lecture hall at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne.
More information about the speakers:
- <link http: www.synmikrobiologie.hhu.de en headofinstitute.html _blank internal link in current>Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ilka Axmann (HHU)
Circadian Clocks
- <link http: www.mpipz.mpg.de albani _blank internal link in current>Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Albani (MPIPZ)
„PRE-FORMATION“ - Roles in perennial flowering and vegetative traits
Talks start at 2pm. Afterwards we will have a BBQ outside on the terrace!