On the last Friday of the month, all CEPLAS members meet at one of the four sites. Talks will be given by scientists from the cluster or invited speakers. External guests who are interested in the talks are welcome!
On February 23, CEPLAS Friday takes place at the Cologne Biocenter.
More information about the speakers:
- <link http: www.fz-juelich.de ibg ibg-1 en research systemsbiotechnology microscale microscale_node.html external-link-new-window internal link in current>Prof. Dr. Dietrich Kohlheyer (RWTH Aachen/FZJ)
Title: Microbial single-cell analysis in picoliter environments
- <link https: mps.wsu.edu dr-hans-henning-kunz external-link-new-window internen link im aktuellen>Dr. Hans-Henning Kunz (Washington State University)
Titel: Ion flux mechanisms across chloroplast membranes and their function in photosynthesis
Talks start at 2pm. Afterwards there will be drinks and snacks in the foyer of the biocentre (Zülpicher Str. 47b, Köln).