CEPLAS Career Speed Dating
The event is supposed to allow early career researchers (PhD students and Postdocs) to get in contact with representatives from various non-academic professional areas and learn about career opportunities outside academia.
Date: June 26, 2018
Time: 10 am - 5 pm
Location: <link https: www.uni-duesseldorf.de home en about-hhu university-facilities events-in-our-guesthouse gaestehaeuser schloss-mickeln guesthouse-schloss-mickeln how-to-get-there.html _blank internal link in current>Schloss Mickeln (Alt Himmelgeist 25, 40589 Düsseldorf)
We are happy to welcome guest from
- <link http: www.saaten-union-biotec.com _blank internal link in current>Saaten Union Biotech GmbH
- <link https: www.ptj.de en landing-page _blank internal link in current>Projektträger Jülich
- <link https: www.dummenorange.com site en _blank internal link in current>Dümmen Orange
- <link http: www.genius.de _blank internal link in current>Genius GmbH Berlin
- <link https: provendis.info en _blank internal link in current>ProVendis
- <link https: www.cropscience.bayer.com en _blank internal link in current>Bayer CropScience
- <link https: phenospex.com _blank internal link in current>Phenospex
- <link https: www.thuenen.de en _blank internal link in current>Thünen Institute
- <link https: www.kws.de _blank internal link in current>KWS Saat SE
- and others
We will begin with a short introduction of each external participant, followed by short 1:1 meetings between early career researchers and representative from the invited institutions. After the event, all participants are invited for a joint dinner and have the chance to continue networking.
This workshop is an internal meeting and is open to CEPLAS members only.<link internal-link internal link in current>
Read more about previous CEPLAS Career Speed Dating events and what it is all about.