1st CEPLAS Women's Career Day
I. Insights into career opportunities in a scientific environment
With our first CEPLAS (Women’s) Career Day, we would like to address everybody who is interested to learn more about future job opportunities in a scientific framework. The invited speakers will give insight into academic careers in academia, research management and in industry, as well as into their personal career development.
Location: Lecture Hall 4.30, Institute for Genetics, University of Cologne
Time: 9.30 am – 12.00 am
9.30 am: Prof. Dr. Mechthild Tegeder, Washington State University
School of Biological Sciences, Field of Study: Plant Molecular Physiology
10.00 am: Dr. Heike Bock, DFG (German research Foundation), Bonn
Programme Officer Research Centres
10.30 – 11.00 am: Coffee Break
11.00 am: Dr. Carola Schade, Qiagen, Hilden
Head of Instruments Business Life Sciences, Instruments Marketing
11.30 am: Dr. Antje Rohde, Bayer CropScience, Ghent
Group Leader Crop Genetics
II. CEPLAS Women’s Lunch
Offered exclusively to female Postdocs and PhD Students within CEPLAS.
Registration required (<link>esther.jawurek@uni-koeln.de)!
Location: Meeting point 12.20 pm, entrance hall Biocenter
Time: 12.30 – 1.15 pm
III. Women’s Coffee Break
In the afternoon all interested women in CEPLAS and non-CEPLAS labs are welcome to join an informal meeting with the speakers to discuss scientific career issues.
Registration required (esther.jawurek@uni-koeln.de)!
Location: Room 4.004, Biocenter, University of Cologne
Time: 1.15 pm – 4 pm