Vision Facts and Figures News Events Event-Archive Management and Committees Scientific Advisory Board Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Events Archive < previous 12345678910111213141516171819 next > 22/02 CEPLAS General Assembly 22/02/2019, 14:00 Event HHU, DüsseldorfInternal event 15/02 Seminar: Control of cellular programs by microRNA networks during plant growth 15/02/2019, 14:00 EventSpeaker: Dr. Javier F. Palatnik 24/01 Ringvorlesung "Food and Nutrition Security" 24/01/2019, 18:00 Public Event UoC, CologneOrganisiert durch das Kompetenzfeld "Food Security" 17/01 Ringvorlesung "Food and Nutrition Security" 17/01/2019, 18:00 Public Event UoC, CologneOrganisiert durch das Kompetenzfeld "Food Security" 10/01 Ringvorlesung "Food and Nutrition Security" 10/01/2019, 18:00 Public Event UoC, CologneOrganisiert durch das Kompetenzfeld "Food Security" 20/12 Ringvorlesung "Food and Nutrition Security" 20/12/2018, 18:00 Public Event UoC, CologneOrganisiert durch das Kompetenzfeld "Food Security" 13/12 Ringvorlesung "Food and Nutrition Security" 13/12/2018, 18:00 Public Event UoC, CologneOrganisiert durch das Kompetenzfeld "Food Security" 06/12 Lecture series "Food and Nutrition Security" 06/12/2018, 18:00 Public Event UoC, CologneOrganized by the Competence Area "Food Security" 30/11 CEPLAS Friday 30/11/2018, 14:00 Event UoC, CologneSpeakers: Alice Vayssières, Kai Xun Chan, iGEM team 2018 29/11 Ringvorlesung "Food and Nutrition Security" 29/11/2018, 18:00 Public Event UoC, CologneOrganisiert durch das Kompetenzfeld "Food Security" 22/11 Ringvorlesung "Food and Nutrition Security" 22/11/2018, 18:00 Public Event UoC, CologneOrganisiert durch das Kompetenzfeld "Food Security" 15/11 Lecture series "Food and Nutrition Security" 15/11/2018, 18:00 Public Event UoC, CologneOrganized by the Competence Area "Food Security" 08/11 Ringvorlesung "Food and Nutrition Security" 08/11/2018, 18:00 Public Event UoC, CologneOrganisiert durch das Kompetenzfeld "Food Security" 30/10 CRISPR/Was?!? 30/10/2018, 18:00 Public EventPublic meeting and discussion on the chances and perspectives of genome editing 26/10 CEPLAS Friday 26/10/2018, 14:00 Event Forschungszentrum JülichDetailed programme 25/10 Lecture series "Food and Nutrition Security" 25/10/2018, 18:00 Public Event UoC, CologneOrganized by the Competence Area "Food Security" 25/10 Plant Mitochondria in New Light 25/10/2018, 13:00 Event DüsseldorfMeeting of the German Plant Mitochondria Network 11/10 Ringvorlesung "Food and Nutrition Security" 11/10/2018, 18:00 Public Event UoC, CologneOrganisiert durch das Kompetenzfeld "Food Security" 28/09 CEPLAS Friday 28/09/2018, 14:00 Event HHU, DüsseldorfSpeakers: Michael Kertesz (University of Sydney), Jinshun Zhong (HHU), 06/09 Public Plenary Discussion on Food Security and the Future of Plant Breeding 06/09/2018, 16:30 Public Event Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, CologneAre we able to ensure global food security based on the current status of plant science? 05/09 Public lecture: Why Do We Eat What We Eat? The Psychology of Eating 05/09/2018, 19:30 Public Event Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, CologneSpeaker: Dr. Simone Dohle (Social Cognition Center Cologne) 05/09 Food for Future 05/09/2018 - 07/09/2018 Public Event CologneConference organised by the Competence Area "Food Security" 02/09 Guided Tour through the Botanical Garden: Crops of the future - energy and food for future generations (in German) 02/09/2018, 15:00 Public Event HHU, DüsseldorfWith Prof. Dr. Andreas Weber (Biochemistry of Plants | CEPLAS) 26/08 Guided Tour through the Botanical Garden: Crop plants - chances and limitations of plant sciences (in German) 26/08/2018, 15:00 Public Event HHU, DüsseldorfWith Prof. Peter Westhoff (Director of the Botanical Garden) < previous 12345678910111213141516171819 next >