Vortrag: Control of cellular programs by microRNA networks during plant growth
Sprecher: Dr. Javier F. Palatnik Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Rosario (IBR, CONICET/UNR), Argentina
<link http: www.ibr-conicet.gov.ar en laboratorios palatnik external-link-new-window internen link im aktuellen>Website der Arbeitsgruppe
Hörsaal: 6D
Plants and other multicellular organisms need a precise control of gene expression during development and response to stress. In part, this regulatory capacity depends on small RNAs. We have been studying the biological roles of the evolutionary conserved microRNAs miR319 and miR396, which regulate transcription factors of the TCP and GRF class, respectively. GRFs (GROWTH-REGULATING FACTORs) form complexes with GRF-interacting proteins (GIFs), which are small transcriptional cofactors. In turn, GIFs directly associate to chromatin remodeling complexes, demonstrating an interplay of different regulatory layers in the control of gene expression. Our studies show that these microRNA networks participate in the transition of the stem cells to proliferating cells, and the onset of cell differentiation. Still, their precise roles depend on the specific cellular context. In leaves, the miR396 network is involved in the transition of proliferative to differentiating cells, while in roots high miR396 levels maintain the stem cell population. A model of the participation of microRNA-transcription factor networks in the control of gene expression during plant growth will be presented.