Open position
Position as a student/ scientific assistant (f/m/d) at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf available. [04/10/2021]

CEPLAS Faces with Martin Lercher
Martin Lercher (HHU) explains in his interview why the new study program "Quantitative Biology" is radically new and at the same time overdue. [08/09/2021]

"Each day as a scientist is different"
Postdoc Thomas Perrot (HHU) explains in the new issue of CEPLAS Faces why he appreciates the daily life as a scientist. [02/09/2021]

"Why research on barley can improve not only our beer"
The new issue of the Planter's Punch from postdoc Edgar Demesa-Arevalo is about barley and its importance as a crop and plant for research. [26/08/2021]

"Coming to Germany was a turning point in my career"
In CEPLAS Faces On Air Paloma Duran from the Max Planck Institute Cologne gives insights into her life as a scientist. [25/08/2021]

Women Scientists explain their research to the public
CEPLAS members Alisandra Denton, Adélaïde Raguin and Priyamedha Sengupta joined the Soapbox Science event. [23/08/2021]

CEPLAS Faces with Ute Höcker
Ute Höcker from the Institute for Plant Sciences (UoC) reveals in our interview why she would have liked to talk to one of the first women in science. [19/08/2021]

"CEPLAS Research Weeks" start on social media
Over the next weeks CEPLAS scientists will introduce the four Research Areas in short videos and posts on social media. [17/08/2021]

Project "Pflanzenforschung 4.0"
The second part of our science communication project in the frame of the Wissenschaftsjahr 2020|21 - Bioökonomie has just been released! [06/08/2021]

Open position
Technical assistant at the University of Cologne (AG Zuccaro) [02/08/2021]

Why analyzing plant gene families is important
In the new Planter's Punch, Postdoc Jan Buchmann (HHU) explains what family business has in common with genes, genomes and genetics. [26/07/2021]

CEPLAS members awarded in Ideas Competition
Three CEPLAS members received awards for their creative concepts at the Ideas Competition of the Center for Entrepreneurship Düsseldorf (CEDUS). [12/07/2021]

Maria von Korff Schmising elected as member of the Leopoldina
CEPLAS member Maria von Korff Schmising has been elected as a member of the ‘Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften’ Leopoldina. [01/07/2021]

Open position
Position as a student/ scientific assistant (m/f/d) at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne available. [01/07/2021]

New Planter's Punch about diversity in leaf shapes
Postdoc Ranju Chutia (MPIPZ) explains in a video why morphology and physiology are two sides of the same coin. [24/06/2021]

The role of plant research in the Green Deal
More than 80 interested participants at the CEPLAS online event on the Green Deal. [22/06/2021]

Photorespiration for improved plant metabolism
Together with other researchers from the EU-funded project Gain4Crops Andreas Weber published a paper on photorespiration and C4 metabolism in PNAS. [28/05/2021]

New co-coordinator for Research Area 4
Juliette de Meaux has been elected as new co-coordinator for the Research Area 4 "Theoretical Plant Biology and Data Science". [27/05/2021]

New science communication project launched
CEPLAS has just launched the new science communication project "Pflanzenforschung 4.0 in the frame of the Wissenschaftsjahr 2020|21 Bioökonomie [26/05/2021]

Open position
Position as Postdoc in genomics and evolution of barley and related grasses (f/m/d) at the Institute for Plant Genetics, HHU, available. [25/05/2021]

Why plants can grow on earth
CEPLAS member Marcel Bucher participated in a study about the plant-fungus partnership,that is published in Science. [21/05/2021]

CEPLAS at Pint of Science
CEPLAS members from Düsseldorf and Cologne gave insights into the fascinating world of plant research at the Pint of Science Festival 2021. [20/05/2021]

Open position
Position as Biological/ Agricultural Technical Assistant at the Institute for Plant Genetics at the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf available. [20/05/2021]

Transatlantic Tandem Talk is online
The Transatlantic Tandem Talk with Alga Zuccaro took place on May 7th. Watch the talk on YouTube and learn how microbes can boost plant performance. [18/05/2021]