Event for the World Soil Day 2018 – Workshop for Teachers


Teachers from the Cologne area test mobile laboratories to analyse soil samples


World Soil Day

The aim of the CEPLAS project "Research and Education" is to translate the current research of the CEPLAS Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences in modern teaching and learning concepts and to offer selected practical modules as hands-on experiments for high schools and comprehensive-schools in NRW. The project, founded by Dr. Martin Willmann and Professor Dr. Marcel Bucher, is since November 2018 in the hands of two new coordinators: Dr. Anne Braun and Dr. Mitzi Villajuana-Bonequi. In conjuction with our partners, the Institute of Biology and its Didactics and the Centre for Teacher Education at the University of Cologne as well as the Technical University of Cologne, we recruit and inform students, teachers and pupils about the current plant research of CEPLAS and invite them to actively participate in our courses.

For the World Soil Day on 05.12.2018, we held a workshop for teachers from schools located within and around Cologne. In this workshop, essential nutrient contents of different soil samples were analyzed with the help of a mobile laboratory in suitcase format. A set of such mobile laboratories will be available next year for all teachers that have taken the course – so they can use them in practical lessons together with their pupils to study different soil samples collected, for example, from the school garden.

Due to the high demand, a repetition of the workshop is planned for January. We are pleased by the great interest and the active participation in our courses!

The project is supported by the Robert Bosch Foundation, the RheinEnergieStiftung, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the UoC and the UoC Center of Excellence CEPLAS

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