CEPLAS research internships 2025

Application for 2025 internships is now open!

We invite all BSc students in Biology/Biochemistry/Quantitative Biology as well as students from other natural sciences programs (Physics, Mathematics, Computer Sciences) in the 3./4. semester to apply for a CEPLAS research internship in one of our groups.

The internship serves to carry out a molecular biology research project in plant sciences and is supported with a work contract as a student helper for 120 - 160 hrs. The exact project will be discussed directly with the supervisor. At the University of Cologne, only an internship with employment for a total of 160 hours (4 weeks) is possible. The timing of the internship can be chosen freely, but the internship should be completed in 2025. 

The internship cannot be credited with ECTS since study courses cannot be financially rewarded.



  • To apply for a research internship, please fill out the online application form
  • Afterwards, please send your CV and your transcript of records as one pdf file  (Naming: First name_Last name_Application_2025) to application[at]ceplas.de!

If you have any questions, please contact application@ceplas.de!

Deadline is February 7, 2025!

We are looking forward to your application!!