Wissenschaft in Kölner Häusern

The event series "Wissenschaft in Kölner Häusern" offers interested citizens the opportunity to explore the diversity of science in exciting places in Cologne from September 30 to October 13, 2024.

Biocenter, Glass houses, Building 313, Luxemburger Wall 15, 50674 Cologne

October 10, 6pm

As part of the "Kölner Wissenschaftsrunde" CEPLAS participates in the event. Two CEPLAS-researchers explain their projects to the public.

Prof. Dr. Tatjana Hildebrandt and Prof. Dr. Stanislav Kopriva, Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften Universität zu Köln

Nahrungsmittel unter Druck: Wie der Klimawandel den Nährstoffgehalt in Pflanzen beeinflusst und wie wir reagieren können

Please find more information on the German website because the talk will be in German language.

More information on "Wissenschaft in Kölner Häusern"
