Fascination of Plants Day
On May 18th, CEPLAS invites school kids to HHU Düsseldorf to learn more about superforces of plants. [30/03/2017]
CEPLAS SAB member wins prize of the American Society of Plant Biologists
Georges Freyssinet, member of the CEPLAS Scientific Advisory Board, was awarded the ASPB Innovation Prize for Agricultural Technology. [29/03/2017]
New Planter's Punch about communication between cells
Nozomi Kawamoto explains how the plant can regulate the distance between seeds. [23/03/2017]
New Science publication by group of Prof. Ilka Axmann
Structures of the cyanobacterial circadian oscillator frozen in a fully assembled state [20/03/2017]
AvH Award Winner Prof. Wolf-B. Frommer starts at HHU
Prof. Wolf-B. Frommer was awarded and successfully appointed to the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Professorship and will start in April 2017. [02/03/2017]
How to visualize proteins in living cells?
This video is a Planter's Punch contribution by Gwendolyn Kirschner and explains how proteins can be visualized in living cells. [01/03/2017]
Save the date: Joint CEPLAS Symposium and YRR 2017
This year the CEPLAS Symposium and the Young Researchers Retreat will take place as a joint event on October 19/20th at KOMED in Cologne. [28/02/2017]