CEPLAS Summer School 2019 

Registration for the CEPLAS Summer School 2019 is open! [05/02/2019]

How do plants cope with iron deficiency? 

New publication by the group of Petra Bauer and researchers from WWU Münster [05/02/2019]

New address CEPLAS Central Office at HHU 

The Central Office in Düsseldorf moved to the new Center for Synthetic Life Sciences [30/01/2019]

Old plants flower in winter cold 

New publication in Science by the group of George Coupland [27/01/2019]

Congratulations Dr. Kalpana Shanmugarajah! 

Graduate school member Kalpana successfully defended her PhD thesis. [21/01/2019]

Open positions 

Research assistant at the Institute for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Postdoctoral position in Plant Molecular Physiology/Cell Biology at the… [04/01/2019]

World Soil Day

Event for the World Soil Day 2018 – Workshop for Teachers 

Teachers from the Cologne area test mobile laboratories to analyse soil samples [04/01/2019]

Apply now for the CEPLAS Graduate School! 

CEPLAS Graduate School offers PhD fellowships for students with a Bachelor's degree in biology or related fields [20/12/2018]

Kumari Billakurthi

Congratulations Dr. Kumari Billakurthi! 

Graduate school member Kumari successfully defended her PhD thesis. [19/12/2018]

Congratulations Dr. Meike Hüdig! 

Graduate School member Meike successfully defended her PhD thesis. [12/12/2018]

Promotion Debika

Congratulations Dr. Debika Sarkar! 

Graduate School member Debika successfully defended her PhD thesis. [12/12/2018]

CEPLAS scientists participate in the EU-funded project CropBooster-P 

Scientists from 8 different countries will work on the questions how to boost global crop yield for food & nutrition security [11/12/2018]

With a little help from their friends 

Great new publication in "Cell" on plant-microbe interactions. Congratulations! [06/11/2018]

Joint position paper 

Over 85 European scientists and research institutions speak out for a change in GMO policy [24/10/2018]

CEPLAS guest commentary  

CEPLAS guest commentary on genome editing and the ECJ ruling in Westdeutsche Zeitung [24/10/2018]

Congratulations to Dr. Heidi Widmer 

CEPLAS Graduate School member Heidi successfully defended her PhD thesis "Functional characterisation of a fungal endonuclease effector and regulated… [23/10/2018]

Congratulations to Dr. Katharina Gräfe 

CEPLAS Graduate School member Katharina successfully defended her PhD thesis "Establishing an in vitro system for the ABC transporter PLEIOTROPIC DRUG… [18/10/2018]

We have made it! 

New Cluster CEPLAS II will start in January [27/09/2018]

New CEPLAS LinkedIn profile page 

We’re online with our new LinkedIn employer’s page [24/09/2018]

Mikroben statt Dünger 4

Microbes instead of fertilizers. Is that possible? 

In a new video by transGEN CEPLAS Postdoc Henning Frerigmann explains how microorganisms can help plants grow. [14/09/2018]

Congratulations to Dr. Eva Willée! 

CEPLAS Graduate School member Eva successfully defended her PhD thesis "Analysis of light-dependent leaf development in Arabidopsis and cotyledon… [10/09/2018]

Apply now! 

Open Phd position in Plant Microbe Interactions. [24/08/2018]

Erklärungen zu den Pflanzen

New CEPLAS section in the Botanical Garden 

In the new CEPLAS section, aspects of plant breeding can be experienced at first-hand. Take a look at the new topics in our photo gallery. [17/08/2018]

Number of critical voices on the judgement of the European Justice Court on genome editing increases 

Since the judgement on July 25, more and more scientists speak up against the decision [11/08/2018]