New representatives of the CEPLAS Postdocs 

Rachel Denley Bowers and Uriel Urquiza have been elected as representatives of the CEPLAS Postdocs for the next year. [18/03/2020]

Open positions 

Open Positions as Postdoc at the MPIPZ in Cologne and as Student assistant at the Institute for Plant Genetics (HHU) [09/03/2020]

Sign in for Conference on Food for Future 2020 

Between 14 and 15 September 2020 scientists will discuss cross-disciplinary aspects of the future of food production. [09/03/2020]

CEPLAS sets impulses for a plant based bioeconomy 

Great participation at the "Salon Global Agriculture" in Berlin. [06/03/2020]

Articles wanted for Special Issue 

For a special issue of "Frontiers in Plant Science" contributions on "Plant tumor formation under plant-fungi interactions" are requested. [06/03/2020]

Apply to the CEPLAS Graduate School 

The call for this year's PhD program at CEPLAS Graduate School is open! [03/03/2020]

CEPLAS at Salon Global Agriculture 

At the event in Berlin, Peter Westhoff and Andreas Weber discuss about the significance of plant science for the bio economy. [02/03/2020]

CEPLAS researcher initiates cooperation in India 

HHU and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the objective to combat rice diseases in India. [28/02/2020]

In Seattle for science 

Deputy CEPLAS spokesman Stan Kopriva from the University of Cologne establishes contacts at the annual meeting of the AAAS in Seattle. [20/02/2020]

Open position 

PhD position available in the research group of Prof. Juliette de Meaux at the University of Cologne. [17/02/2020]

New series "CEPLAS Faces" 

In our new series we introduce one of our members every month. The first CEPLAS face is Markus Pauly. [14/02/2020]

Open position 

Open position as Coordinator for our BSc program in Quantitative Biology at the University of Cologne. [13/02/2020]

We are deeply saddened... 

...by the untimely passing of our respected colleague and friend Dr. Udo Gowik. [04/02/2020]

Dialogue event Genome Editing 

At a joint dialogue event VBIO e.V. and WGG e.V. advocate an adaptation of the GMO Directive. [31/01/2020]

Microorganisms under climate stress 

CEPLAS researchers from MPIPZ publish results in Nature Ecology & Evolution. [31/01/2020]

Apply now! 

The call for this year's CEPLAS research internships for undergrads is open! [28/01/2020]

New publication on Iron deficiency 

CEPLAS member Petra Bauer publishes results on the regulation of iron deficiency in the journal Plant Physiology. [27/01/2020]

Open positions 

Research Assistant positions at Max-Planck-Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne [20/01/2020]

New postdocs at CEPLAS 

During the last months seven new postdocs have started and will in the future support the research in CEPLAS. [16/01/2020]

CEPLAS spokesman is new president of the Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft 

Since January, Prof. Dr. Andreas Weber has succeeded Prof. Dr. Karl-Josef Dietz of Bielefeld University. [15/01/2020]

Milena Malisic is the new representative of the CEPLAS PhDs´ 

This week, Milena Malisic was elected as the new representative of the CEPLAS doctoral students. [20/12/2019]

CEPLAS involved in project for the development of innovative experiments in schools 

Together with the Technische Hochschule Köln, CEPLAS researchers developed school experiments for the smart growth of plants. [20/12/2019]

Leopoldina and DFG want new genetic engineering legislation 

The Academies of Sciences and the German Research Foundation (DFG) yesterday published a recommendation on the decision on genetically modified… [05/12/2019]

Open positions 

Two positions as Research associates at the Institute of Quantitative Genetics and Genomics of Plants [02/12/2019]