New publication on Optogenetics in Nature Methods 

A team around Matias Zurbriggen and Rüdiger Simon published a paper on optogenetics. [29/06/2020]

The world of rhizosphere 

In the new Planter's Punch Paloma Durán from MPI Cologne takes us to a journey to the rhizosphere. [18/06/2020]

Open Position 

Open position as postdoctoral researcher in molecular plant-microbe interactions, University of Cologne. [18/06/2020]

Open Position 

Open position as Student Assistant at the Botanical Institute, Biocenter Cologne. [18/06/2020]

Open Position 

New position as a Postdoctoral Researcher available at the Institute for Plant Sciences at the University of Cologne. [15/06/2020]

8000 kilometres for a plant 

In CEPLAS Faces Shizue Matsubara tells us why she drove from the east to the west coast of Australia to find a plant. [10/06/2020]

New Planter's Punch about Synthetic Biology 

Postdoctoral researcher Uriel Urquiza brings Synthetic Biology in a video to life. [28/05/2020]

Open positions 

Two open positions as CEPLAS Postdoctoral Researchers at HHU available. [26/05/2020]

Open positions 

Open positions as Postdoctoral/ Senior Scientists available at the Institute of Botany at HHU. [19/05/2020]

Björn Usadel about his start at HHU 

In CEPLAS Faces Björn Usadel tells about his research and his favorite plant. [14/05/2020]

Two new publications 

New publications by the group of Maria von Korff Schmising. [08/05/2020]

Open positions 

Open positions as Student/ Research Assistants available at the Institute for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics of Plants at HHU. [05/05/2020]

Third issue of CEPLAS Faces 

Rachel Denley Bowers talks about her mystery plant and what she would like to research in space. [27/04/2020]

Planter's Punch offers exciting insights in a video 

In an illustrative video the Institute of Quantitative and Theoretical Biology gives us a sneak peek into the world of computational biology. [23/04/2020]

Lively response to #stayathomeplants 

On our social media channels we asked for pictures of "#stayathomeplants". Thanks a lot for your feedback and the great pictures! [17/04/2020]

Open positions 

Research Associate and PhD position at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf [07/04/2020]

Björn Usadel is appointed to a W3 professorship at HHU 

Besides his work at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Björn Usadel is head of the Institute of Biological Data Science since 1 April (photo: Raimund Knauf). [07/04/2020]

Plant Breeding for the Bio-Economy 

CEPLAS member Günter Strittmatter writes in an article for the "Wissenschaftsjahr 2020" about the importance of Plant Breeding for the Bio-Economy. [30/03/2020]

Open position 

Team Leader (m,f,d) in Plant Genome Engineering [27/03/2020]

Plant Science @home 

For everybody currently stuck at home we have put together some nice little experiments [20/03/2020]

Planter's Punch is back! 

Read about one special aspect of the CEPLAS research program written by one of our early career researchers. [20/03/2020]

New issue of CEPLAS Faces 

In the current issue of CEPLAS Faces we interviewed Alga Zuccaro from the University of Cologne. [19/03/2020]

Our CEPLAS Equal Opportunity website has been updated! 

Get an overview of our old and new measures and our achievements so far. [19/03/2020]