New publication
CEPLAS member Maria Albani released a publication about the regulation of flowering in the New Phytologist. [17/08/2020]
New functions for Maria von Korff Schmising
The CEPLAS member was elected as President of the Society for Plant Breeding and appointed as a deputy member of the ZKBS. [11/08/2020]
Who we are and what we do - short and compact!
CEPLAS Kompakt provides a brief insight into the various research topics of CEPLAS. [28/07/2020]
The new Planter's Punch is out!
Anthony Piro explains the relationship between iron availability and the plant microbiom in a descriptive video. [23/07/2020]
Open statement on genome editing in plant sciences
Two years after the ECJ ruling, European scientists renew their call to enable genome editing for sustainable agriculture and food production. [22/07/2020]
Soapbox Science Festival
Read an interview with Agatha Walla, who joins the Festival together with Petra Bauer. [21/07/2020]
How to hear a tree before you see it
Our new CEPLAS Face George Coupland tells about his favorite trees and why research fascinates him. [16/07/2020]
Guided Tour in the Botanical Garden
Peter Westhoff informs about the important role of plant breeding in the bioeconomy. [16/07/2020]
Virtual Career Fair 2020
CEPLAS member Stan Kopriva introduced Postdoc Program and Grad School to interested participants. [08/07/2020]
New publication on Optogenetics in Nature Methods
A team around Matias Zurbriggen and Rüdiger Simon published a paper on optogenetics. [29/06/2020]
The world of rhizosphere
In the new Planter's Punch Paloma Durán from MPI Cologne takes us to a journey to the rhizosphere. [18/06/2020]
Open Position
Open position as postdoctoral researcher in molecular plant-microbe interactions, University of Cologne. [18/06/2020]
Open Position
Open position as Student Assistant at the Botanical Institute, Biocenter Cologne. [18/06/2020]
Open Position
New position as a Postdoctoral Researcher available at the Institute for Plant Sciences at the University of Cologne. [15/06/2020]
8000 kilometres for a plant
In CEPLAS Faces Shizue Matsubara tells us why she drove from the east to the west coast of Australia to find a plant. [10/06/2020]
New Planter's Punch about Synthetic Biology
Postdoctoral researcher Uriel Urquiza brings Synthetic Biology in a video to life. [28/05/2020]
Open positions
Two open positions as CEPLAS Postdoctoral Researchers at HHU available. [26/05/2020]
Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Prof. Dr. Bart Thomma
Great success for CEPLAS! [19/05/2020]
Open positions
Open positions as Postdoctoral/ Senior Scientists available at the Institute of Botany at HHU. [19/05/2020]
Björn Usadel about his start at HHU
In CEPLAS Faces Björn Usadel tells about his research and his favorite plant. [14/05/2020]
Two new publications
New publications by the group of Maria von Korff Schmising. [08/05/2020]
Open positions
Open positions as Student/ Research Assistants available at the Institute for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics of Plants at HHU. [05/05/2020]
Third issue of CEPLAS Faces
Rachel Denley Bowers talks about her mystery plant and what she would like to research in space. [27/04/2020]
Planter's Punch offers exciting insights in a video
In an illustrative video the Institute of Quantitative and Theoretical Biology gives us a sneak peek into the world of computational biology. [23/04/2020]