
What is the relation between donuts and photosynthesis? 

Find out in our new Planter’s Punch. [12/12/2017]

Highly Cited Researcher Badge

Highly Cited Researcher 2017 

Congratulations: Three CEPLAS PIs are among the most frequently cited researchers! [05/12/2017]

New early career researchers’ representatives 

Melanie Sapp was elected as the new early career researchers’ representative. [30/11/2017]

Congratulations: ERC Consolidator Grant for Gunter Döhlemann! 

Five year funding for research on virulence strategies of fungal plant pathogens. [29/11/2017]

Arabisdopsis Blätter

Just released: The CEPLAS Image Movie! 

Lean back and enjoy a tour through CEPLAS research activities and discover plant science! [17/11/2017]

Apply now for a CEPLAS research internship! 

Research internships for 3./4. semester B.Sc. Biology or Biochemistry students. Application deadline is December 17. [13/11/2017]

C4 plants

The interesting ways of how plants use CO2 and light to create sugar and O2 

Find out more in our new Planter's Punch. [09/11/2017]

CEPLAS Symposium

Impressions from CEPLAS Symposium 2017 

More than 100 scientists participated in the annual event. [24/10/2017]

Do you know Kiri trees?  

CEPLAS young researchers visited the spin-off company WeGrow. [18/10/2017]

Successful CEPLAS Workshop about Authentic Networking for Women in Academia  

14 female CEPLAS scientists participated in a workshop about networking specially designed for women. [17/10/2017]

root-associated fungal microbiota

How do plants ensure adequate phosphorus nutrition in phosphorus-impoverished soils? 

Joint publication of three CEPLAS groups gives insights into root-associated fungal microbiota. [10/10/2017]


Insights into the plant’s protistbiome 

New publication from several CEPLAS members, who analysed the role of protists for plants. [05/10/2017]

Successful draft proposal in the Excellence Strategy! 

CEPLAS was invited to submit a full proposal in the funding line Clusters of Excellence. [29/09/2017]

Grafik einer Pflanze

The importance of soil health and how microbes can contribute to improved farming systems 

Learn more about this topic in our new Planter's Punch! [26/09/2017]

Congratulations to ERC Starting Grant! 

We congratulate Stéphane Hacquard (MPIPZ) on the ERC Starting Grant “MICRORULES” that was awarded to him for the next five years. [15/09/2017]

Several open positions in CEPLAS groups 

The groups of Prof. Pauly, Prof. Frommer and Prof. Kopriva are looking for a postdoc, a PhD and a scientific coordinator. Apply now! [14/09/2017]

Congratulations to Dr. Gwendolyn Kirschner! 

CEPLAS Gradschool member Gwendolyn successfully defended her PhD thesis "Genetic control of root meristem develoment in barley (Hordeum vulgare)" [12/09/2017]

Wissenschaftler an White Board

Authentic Networking for Women in Academia 

CEPLAS is offering a workshop especially designed for women. [11/09/2017]

New public lecture series "Food and Nutrition Security" 

Several talks will be given by CEPLAS scientists and invited speakers from academia, industry and non-governmental organizations. [05/09/2017]

Pseudomonas bakteria on leave

Microorganism can make plants more competitive and protect them from pathogens!  

Learn more about microbial communities in our new Planter’s Punch edition. [31/08/2017]

CEPLAS PIs contributed two chapters to the book „Photorespiration - Methods and Protocols“ 

The new edition is part of the series Methods in Molecular Biology (Springer Protocols) [22/08/2017]

Wildgerste am MPIPZ

Insights into the development of the fourth most abundant crop plant: Barley.  

Two new publications from CEPLAS groups of Rüdiger Simon and Maria von Korff. [15/08/2017]

US$6 million grant from Gates foundation! 

Congratulation to Wolf B. Frommer and his international research partners. [11/08/2017]

CEPLAS Work-Family-Integration measurements 

Did you know that CEPLAS promotes reconciliation between work and private life? Offers are open to women and men! [08/08/2017]