Three CEPLAS members at Soapbox Science


CEPLAS members Pia Saake, Mary Ngigi and Kumsal Ecem Çolpan will participate as speakers in the Soapbox Science event on August 6th in Bonn.

Mary Ngigi
Kumsal Ecem Çolpan
Pia Saake

CEPLAS is organizing this year's Soapbox Science event together with the Clusters of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 (Bonn), CECAD (Cologne) and the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1208 (Düsseldorf), which will take place on August 6th in Bonn.  The event is a public outreach platform for promoting women and non-binary scientists and the science they do. It is also a great opportunity to meet and interact with scientists in places you wouldn’t normally expect

Mary Ngigi, Kumsal Ecem Çolpan (both HHU) and Pia Saake (UoC) will present their research to the public at this year's event and are very much looking forward to engaging in conversations with interested visitors.

Here are the titles of their talks:

  • Pia Saake: Freund oder Feind? Wie Pflanzen Mikroorganis¬men in ihrer Umgebung erkennen
  • Mary Njeri Ngigi: Our armour against a hidden hunger pandemic
  • Kumsal Ecem Colpan: Wie wirkt sich die globale Erwärmung auf unser Bier aus?

What, where and when?

  • Soapbox Science Rhineland
  • Bonn, Bottlerplatz
  • Saturday, August 6th, 1 to 4 pm

Interview with Mary Ngigi

Interview with Pia Saake

Interview with Kumsal Ecem Colpan

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