Prof. Dr. Stanislav Kopriva

Research focus

My research is focused on dissection of the molecular mechanisms of regulation of sulfur metabolism, using a combination of biochemical, genetic and physiological approaches and exploiting natural variation. Within CEPLAS I will contribute my expertise in metabolic flux analysis and genome wide association mapping to address the interaction of rhizobacteria with plants and their contribution to plant nutrition. In addition, I aim to tackle the intriguing question of cell-specific localization of nitrate and sulphate metabolism in C4 plants.

The five most important publications

  1. Dietzen C, Koprivova A, Whitcomb SJ, Langen G, Jobe TO, Hoefgen R, Kopriva S (2020) The Transcription Factor EIL1 Participates in the Regulation of Sulfur-Deficiency Response. Plant Physiol 184(4):2120-2136. doi: 10.1104/pp.20.01192.
  2. Koprivova A, Schuck S, Jacoby RP, Klinkhammer I, Welter B, Leson L, Martyn A, Nauen J, Grabenhorst N, Mandelkow JF, Zuccaro A, Zeier J, Kopriva S (2019) Root-specific camalexin biosynthesis controls the plant growth-promoting effects of multiple bacterial strains. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116(31):15735-15744. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1818604116.
  3. Gerlich SC, Walker BJ, Krueger S, Kopriva S (2018) Sulfate Metabolism in C4 Flaveria Species Is Controlled by the Root and Connected to Serine Biosynthesis. Plant Physiol 178(2):565-582. doi: 10.1104/pp.18.00520.
  4. Koprivova A, Giovannetti M, Baraniecka P, Lee BR, Grondin C, Loudet O, Kopriva S (2013) Natural variation in the ATPS1 isoform of ATP sulfurylase contributes to the control of sulfate levels in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 163(3):1133-1141.
  5. Mugford SG, Lee BR, Koprivova A, Matthewman C, Kopriva S (2011) Control of sulfur partitioning between primary and secondary metabolism. Plant J 65(1):96-105.
Prof. Dr. Stanislav Kopriva
CEPLAS Stanislav Kopriva

+49 221 4708530

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Institute for Plant Sciences, Cologne Biocenter
University of Cologne