CEPLAS meets Politics


CEPLAS Speaker Andreas Weber was invited to the "Sitzungswoche Agrar" in Berlin to discuss about sustainable agriculture.

Image: sitzungswoche / Henrik Andree
Image: sitzungswoche / Henrik Andree

How can digitalization lead to a resource efficient and sustainable agriculture? And which innovations will form the agriculture of the future? To discuss on this topics, representatives from politics, science and industry met last week in Berlin in the frame of the third “sitzungswoche Agrar” meeting.

Invited guests were Andreas Weber, Speaker of the Cluster of Excellence CEPLAS, the Chair of the committee for nutrition and agriculture Alois Gerig (CDU), committee member Harald Ebner (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Norbert Lemken from Bayer AG and Georg Larscheid from John Deere.

In three keynote speeches Alois Gerig, Harald Ebner and Andreas Weber addressed the chances as well as the challenges in the course of digitalization. Andreas Weber focused in his talk on the importance of plant sciences for the agriculture of the future and showed, on the example of the vegan “Impossible Burger” a perspective, how new innovations could in the future contribute to the protection of resources and climate.

Together with representatives from industry the discussion on how digitalization can support resource protection and which framework conditions are required for the implementation, was continued within a panel debate.

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